Eiji YAMAMOTO, Fotograf und PhotoAritst, aus Japan, wohnt in Saarbrücken, Deutschland, verheiratet.

Eiji Yamamoto begann das Foto in der Mittelschulezeit und besuchte viele Fotokurse, Fotoclubs und Fotostudio. Der Junge Eiji Yamamoto hat große Interesse für Deutschland. Deswegen studierte er an der Universität in Japan deutsche Geschichte und Kunst(-geschichte) (abschluss) und an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München weiter (nicht abschluss).

Gleichzeitig begann er eine Leistung als Fotograf, also Touristfotograf und Stadtführer. Er machte die Stadtführung (guide und photo) für die Japanischen Gäste, nicht nur für einzeln, sondern auch z.B. für die Delegation des Kabinettausschusses des japanischen Unterhauses, die Internationalen Musikalischen Meisterkurse und die Zeitungsverlags von Japan usw.

Im Jahr 2002 wechselte sein Hauptmotiv von Touristfoto zum Portrait. Seit 2007 wohnt Eiji Yamamoto in Saarbrücken.  Er macht sowohl Streetfoto für Zeitschrift, Lernbuch und Event als auch Portrait, Fashion, Artistfoto, Bewerbungsfoto für z.B. CD, Poster, Zeitschrift, Theaterprogramm, Flyer usw. Er fotografiert Hochzeit und Familienfoto auch.

Eiji Yamamoto Streetfoto-website.

Eiji YAMAMOTO, photographer and PhotoAritst, from Japan, lives in Saarbrücken, Germany, married.

Eiji Yamamoto started the photo in middle school and attended many photo courses, photo clubs and photo studio. The young Eiji Yamamoto is very interested in Germany. That’s why he studied German history and art (history) at the University of Japan and at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (not graduation).

At the same time he started a job as a photographer, so tourist photographer and city guide. He made the city tour (guide and photo) for the Japanese guests, not only one by one, but also e.g. for the delegation of the Cabinet Committee of the Japanese House of Commons, the International Music Master Classes and the Newspaper Publishers of Japan, etc.

In 2002 his main motif changed from a tourist photo to a portrait. Since 2007 Eiji Yamamoto lives in Saarbrücken. He makes both street photo for magazine, learning book and event as well as portrait, artist photo, application photo for e.g. CD, poster, magazine, theater program, flyers, etc. He also photographs wedding and family photo.




Meine Hobbys sind Oper, Ballett und Kuchen Backen.




—– Exhibition (Ausstellung)—–

2023 Solo – Einzelausstellung, Japan
(Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Barcelona, Spain “-scapes – Barcelona” (in collaboration with Valid World Hall Gallery)
(Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary “Silence”
(Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary “Urban”
(Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Barcelona, Spain “Scene and Meaning:the art of photography – Barcelona” (in collaboration with Valid World Hall Gallery)
(Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary “Personality: Contemporary Portraiture”
(Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary “Upside down”
(Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary “Feminine / Masculine”
(Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary “Dis/harmony”
(Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Rome, Italy “Motion – Rome” (in collaboration with KromArt Gallery and Centro Sperimentale di Fotografia Adams)
(Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Barcelona, Spain “Shape – Barcelona”
(Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary “Time”
(Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary “Portraits Without Faces”
(Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary “-scapes”
(Group exhibition) Photo Days Tour 2022, URBAN 2022 group exhibit @ Trieste Airport #1, Trieste, Italy
(Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary “Significant Colour”
(Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary “Bodyscapes”
(Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Barcelona, Spain “The art of photography – Barcelona” (in collaboration with Valid World Hall Gallery)
(Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary “Stories: Narrative Photography”
(Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary “Monochrome”
(Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary “Silence”
(Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary “Personality: Contemporary Portraiture”
(Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary “Feminine / Masculine”
(Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary “Dis/harmony”
2021 (Group exhibition) Photo Days Tour 2021, URBAN 2021 group exhibit @ Trieste Airport #2, Trieste, Italy
2021 (Group exhibition) Trieste Photo Fringe 2021, Collective Exhibition @ PIER, Trieste, Italy
2021 (Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary “-scapes” (Honourable mention)
2021 (Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary “Significant Colour”
2021 (Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Rome, Italy “Shape – Rome” (in collaboration with KromArt Gallery and Centro Sperimentale di Fotografia Adams)
(Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary “Portraits Without Faces”
2021 (Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Barcelona, Spain “The art of photography” (in collaboration with Valid World Hall Gallery)
2021 (Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary “Motion”
2021 (Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary “Bodyscapes”
2021 (Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary “Monochrome”
2021 (Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary “Stories: Narrative Photography”
2021 (Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary “Silence”
(Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary “Personality: Contemporary Portraiture” (Honourable mention)
(Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary “Feminine / Masculine”
2020-2021 (Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary “-scapes”
(Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary “Significant Colour”
(Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary “Motion”
(Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Rome, Italy “The art of photography” (in collaboration with KromArt Gallery and Centro Sperimentale di Fotografia Adams)
(Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary “Dis/harmony” (Honourable mention)
(Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary “Monochrome”
(Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Barcelona, Spain “Urban” (in collaboration with Valid World Hall Gallery)
(Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary “Portraits Without Faces”
(Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary “Imagination”
(Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary “Silence”
(Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary “Stories”
2020 (Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary “CorpoRealities”
2020 (Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary “Feminine / Masculine”
2019 (Group exhibition) A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary “In Statu Nascendi / The State of Becoming”
2019 Solo – Einzelausstellung, Shiga, Japan
2019 Feb. – Mai Solo – Einzelausstellung, Saarbrücken, Germany
2018 Dez. –  2019 Feb. Solo – Einzelausstellung,  Saarbrücken, Germany
2018 Solo – Einzelausstellung, Kyoto, Japan
2018 Photomovie Concert, Tokyo, Japan
2018 Fotoausstellung, Tokyo, Japan
2015 Solo – Einzelausstellung, Kyoto, Japan
2014 Photomovie Concert, Tokyo, Japan
2014-2015 Fotoausstellung, Shigaraki, Japan
2013-2014 Solo – Einzelausstellung, Shigaraki, Japan
2013 Solo – Einzelausstellung, Tokyo, Japan
2013 Solo – Einzelausstellung, Tokyo, Japan
2013 Solo – Einzelausstellung, Osaka, Japan
2013 Solo – Einzelausstellung, Kyoto, Japan
2013 (Group exhibition) Fotoausstellung, Yokohama, Japan
2011 2 x Photomovie Concerts, Tokyo, Japan
2010 Prize winner – Preistäger Fotoausstellung Osaka, Japan
2010 Prize winner – Preistäger Fotoausstellung Tokyo, Japan
2010 Solo – Einzelausstellung, Kyoto, Japan
2010 Fotoausstellung, Iwate, Japan
2009 Solo – Einzelausstellung, Iwate, Japan



Bei den Ausstellungen in Japan sind die Photos verkauft.
A1 size kostet 3.000,-Eur / A2 size 2.000,-Eur / A3 size 1.000,-Eur
Alle Originalprint mit Holzrahmen.

At the exhibitions in Japan the photos are sold.
A1 size costs 3.000, -Eur / A2 size 2.000, -Eur / A3 size 1.000, -Eur
All original print with wooden frame.





Video (no sound)
A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary “Silence” (07.05. – 30.05. 2020)